A special guest post from Toronto-based yogini Donna Wilding
After I could comfortably handle Bakasana, my next intention was to learn side crow or Parsva Bakasana. This version of the pose involves a twist while balancing on your arms. It offers a lovely opportunity to wring out some toxins while building upper body strength and strength of mind (it’s all about concentration!). Again, I got out my crash pad (the trusty bolster) to melt away some fear of falling. Today I will show you a simple approach to inching your way closer to flying sideways. After you practice this for a bit, I’ll be back with tips for taking it to the next level.
You’ll Need:
Step One:
Place your bolster to your right. Place two blocks down (tall side up) and sit the outer edge of your right buttocks on them. Twist and bring both arms to the outer edge of your right thigh. Place your hands on the floor.
Step Two:
Bend your elbows and lean forward. Re-assess that your bolster is indeed set up under your face at this point. Get familiar with your crash pad and the idea of toppling over. The best yogis know how to fall!
Step Three:
Lift both feet off the ground and balance. Keep applying more leg weight onto your right upper arm to get closer to the full pose without block support.
Step Four:
Straighten your legs to get the feel for another pose called Dwi Pada Koundinyasana!