Garden of Love Meditation with Connor Burns

garden of love meditation with connor burns

Amanda Vitaro | May 29, 2019 | minute read

In this peaceful 24 minute meditation we are guided through a relaxing body meditation, followed by a creative visual meditation in which we liken our day-to-day intentions to that of a vast beautiful garden.

As we walk quietly through our "Garden of Love", we begin to notice the first signs of life brought on by the energy of spring. This is a place where we can cultivate aspects of good in our life. From the colourful petals of forgiveness, to the refreshing scent of love lingering in the air —What seeds would you like to see bloom? Take time to uproot anything that is no longer supporting the overall growth of your garden and your life. Experience deep gratitude for this new life that we have mindfully planted into the soil.

Connor Burns' passion for self-inquiry finds a peaceful home in the unification of ancient teachings and new age science. Dedicated to creating a safe and sacred space for the individual to re-embrace the collective Soul is at the forefront of Connors commitment. In each breath we will move inward towards eternal love and together we discover the tranquil universe within and the stillness available with each moment.

Connor has certifications with Yoga Alliance, Moment Meditation™.

Connect with Connor through his website and instagram.



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